September 24, 2017

Sports-Related Dental Injuries

Woman boxer punched in facePlaying a sport takes practice and dedication. When people find a sport they enjoy, they can spend hours a day on it. Unfortunately, that exposes them to numerous sports-related injuries. That includes dental injuries like fractured or avulsed (knocked out) teeth. When that happens, it’s important that athletes know where to turn for help during a dental emergency. It’s also essential to protect patients’ smiles from this damage by wearing protective sportsguards during practices and athletic competitions.

September 4, 2017

The Purpose of Athletic Mouthguards

soccer player hit with ballThe leading cause of tooth loss for people under the age of twenty five is sports-related facial trauma. This is unfortunate since there’s an easy way to protect your smile during any athletic activity. You wouldn’t run onto the football field without a helmet or jump in the pool without goggles, but a surprising number of people compete in athletic events without wearing a mouthguard. Protecting your smile is essential anytime you compete in a sport where other players, hard surfaces, or sports equipment may cause damage. You likely think of high contact sports like hockey and lacrosse, but an athletic mouthguard is also recommended during sports like swimming, cycling, and basketball.