August 3, 2024

Invisalign Inquiry: What Are Refinements?

Bird's eye view of Invisalign case surrounded by multiple aligners

Invisalign continues to gain popularity as a clear alternative to traditional orthodontics. These transparent, plastic trays fit snuggly over your teeth to exert enough pressure to shift them gently to their ideal places. You’ll wear them for 22 hours daily, and then after one to two weeks, you’ll be given a new set to wear to account for the ongoing movement.

However, if your grin isn’t shifting as intended, then your dentist may need to consider Invisalign refinements. If you’re unsure about what that means, continue reading to learn more about it!

What Are Invisalign Refinements?

Invisalign refinements refer to additional trays that are sometimes needed to course-correct your treatment. To create your updated schedule, your dentist took images and scans of your teeth that were loaded into special computer software to virtually design each set of aligners in advance. About 80 to 90% of the time, staying on track with your treatment timeline is as simple as wearing them for the designated amount of time and then switching to the new ones when instructed.

Unfortunately, about 20% of patients have teeth that are stubborn, less flexible or don’t move as quickly as anticipated. In these instances, refinements may be needed to account for these differences and ensure you can achieve the promised results.

How Do Invisalign Refinements Work?

To build your additional trays, your dentist will schedule an appointment to perform another scan of your teeth using the iTero 3D scanner. This information is programmed into the Invisalign software, which designs the new aligners to help push troublesome teeth into their rightful places. Because each new set must also be worn for a couple of weeks, this can add months to your total treatment timeline.

Do Invisalign Refinements Hurt?

Many patients worry that their new trays will cause a lot of extra pain and avoid wearing them, which can keep them from having a beautifully repositioned grin. Although it’s natural to experience mild to moderate discomfort when you first start wearing a new set, the symptoms tend to be temporary and mild. They should naturally fade over the next few days, though it’s usually safe to take over-the-counter medications like Tylenol or ibuprofen in the meantime.

How Can I Avoid Needing Invisalign Refinements?

While you can’t necessarily control how long it takes your pearly whites to move, you can avoid interrupting your schedule by complying with your dentists’ orders. For example, if you don’t wear your aligners for 22 hours daily, your teeth could revert to their previous positions, resulting in additional trays. Following the instructions shared when you first began treatment is the best way to ensure everything stays on track.

Now that you know more, you can see that Invisalign refinements are nothing to worry about!

About the Practice

At Parker Family Dental & Orthodontics in West Mobile, you benefit from a team of dentists with 20+ years of combined experience. They offer a full range of services to patients of all ages to streamline your family’s oral health care experience. With luxurious amenities and state-of-the-art equipment, you’re sure to feel comfortable while receiving top-of-the-line treatment results. If you’re interested in straightening your smile with Invisalign, you can request a consultation on the website or call (251) 634-2341.

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